Industry news archive

17 January, 2024

The Ministry of Energy of the Republic of Kazakhstan initiates strengthening control in the field of thermal energy

The Ministry of Energy of the Republic of Kazakhstan has developed a separate sectoral law «On Thermal Energy» aimed at strengthening control functions in this area. This was announced by the Minister of Energy of the Republic of Kazakhstan Almasadam Satkaliyev at a government meeting on Tuesday in Astana, the press service of the Ministry of Energy of the Republic of Kazakhstan reports.

In particular, the draft law excludes from the Business Code the procedure for conducting control in the field of electric and thermal energy. Control functions in heating networks (within the framework of public district heating systems) are transferred from local executive bodies to the Committee for Nuclear and Energy Supervision and Control.

It is planned that monitoring and control of the entire industry will be carried out by creating a Digital Energy Platform.

«This will allow for the consolidated collection of information and analysis of the industry in order to develop the necessary measures for further development», - The Minister noted.

At the same time, this project establishes clear and comprehensive full principles of tariff regulation, and criteria that regulated tariffs for thermal energy must meet, namely, improving the tariff methodology, ensuring an economically sound tariff, and the possibility of attracting investments.

The draft law also provides for the introduction of a mechanism for direct budget support for vulnerable segments of the population when changing tariffs for thermal energy to an economically reasonable level.

The document defines a scheme for determining a strategic investor for the construction of new stations.

To ensure support for large energy-intensive industrial projects, the draft law provides for the application of an investment tariff aimed at selling electric energy from a single buyer at the marginal tariffs of energy-producing organizations whose buses are connected to industrial facilities.

In order to further improve the mechanism of a Single Buyer and a Balancing Electricity market, amendments are envisaged to revise the priority selection of generation.

Also, the bill provides for the redistribution of competencies and responsibilities for policy in the field of thermal energy. The Ministry of Energy will be assigned the function of leadership in the field of production and transportation of thermal energy.

The implementation of these initiatives will ensure the stable operation of the energy system for reliable energy supply to the population and economy, as well as create a foundation for advanced energy development.