Industry news archive

15 September, 2022

Central Asian Clean Energy Forum launched in Almaty

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On September 13-15, the Central Asian Clean Energy Forum was held with the support of the United States Agency for International Development (USAID).

The Ministry of Energy of the Republic of Kazakhstan, the Committee for Regulation of Natural Monopolies, JSC «Kazakhstan Electric Energy and Capacity Market Operator” (KOREM), KAZENERGY Association, Kazakhstan Electric Power Association, RES Association «Qazaq Green», JSC «Kazakhstan Electric Grid Management Company» (KEGOG) took an active part from Kazakhstan.

The main purpose of the forum was to discuss issues and steps taken by the countries of the Central Asian region to develop the energy sector, reduce carbon dioxide emissions from their energy systems and adapt to climate change, as well as issues of creating a regional electricity market.

The status of the Central Asian electricity market was discussed during the forum. During the discussion, the advantages of trade, ways to maximize global and local benefits, the role of markets, the development of new directions, including support services and infrastructure financing were outlined.

Chairman of the Board of JSC «KOREM» Rakhimov K. in his speech at the panel session, noted that in matters of launching the regional electricity market, much attention is paid to barriers and problems that may arise, while it is necessary to focus on the mechanisms of practical implementation. The launch of the regional market faces economic, social and technical barriers, the main root of the problem is the difference in tariff levels in the countries of the region.

During the panel session, KOREM proposed to launch Centralized Electricity Trading on its site for the «day ahead», which will allow efficient use of available resources in the energy systems of the countries and give equal opportunities for players (sellers and buyers) of the energy markets of the countries.

In general, the forum was a successful platform for considering and discussing the most important aspects and issues facing the industry today.