Centralized bidding for energy-producing organizations

Centralized auctions of electric energy for energy-producing organizations are held daily. Joint auctions are held for the Northern and Southern zones of the UES of the Republic of Kazakhstan, the participants of which are the existing EPOS only of the Northern and Southern zones of the UES of the Republic of Kazakhstan, as well as separate auctions for the Western zone of the UES of the Republic of Kazakhstan, the participants of which are EPO only of the Western zone of the UES of the Republic of Kazakhstan. From 11:20 to 11:50 a.m. Astana time, the main time of the trading session for the Northern and Southern zones of the EEC of the Republic of Kazakhstan and the Western zone of the EEC of the Republic of Kazakhstan. The duration of the trading session is 30 minutes. Price determination is a one-way auction method.
UNTIL 09:15 A.M.

The system operator for conducting centralized bidding for energy-producing organizations sends to the operator of the centralized trading market a list of energy-producing organizations, indicating the hourly volumes of capacities put up for sale, which are displayed in the electronic trading system in the form of applications for participation in the trading session at the appropriate marginal tariffs of energy-producing organizations.

At the same time, bidders have the opportunity to fill in the technical parameters of the application for participation in the trading session from the moment they receive information from the system operator.

UNTIL 11:10 A.M.

The system operator for conducting centralized trading of electric energy for energy-producing organizations provides the operator of the centralized trading market previous the operational ones with digitally hourly values for each energy hubof the UES of the Republic of Kazakhstan with the minimum and maximum permissible volumes of electric energy sales.

UNTIL 11:10 A.M.

A single buyer for conducting centralized trading of electric energy for energy-producing organizations provides the operator of the centralized trading market in digital form with an hourly value of electric energy consumption in the zones of the Unified Energy System of the republic of Kazakhstan.

11:20 ч./11:50 ч.

Opening of the auction

The main time for submitting applications for the sale of electric energy

11:20 ч./11:50 ч.

During the open trading session, energy producing organizations, if necessary, can change the information in the submitted application by submitting an application instead of the previously submitted one.

11:40 ч.

   The electronic trading system suspends the acceptance of sales applications for 15 seconds and during this time publishes the preliminary results of centralized auctions for energy-producing organizations based on the submitted sales applications. Then it continues accepting applications for sale until 11-50 o'clock (Astana time) days preceding the operational.

UNTIL 4:00 P.M.

Утверждение суточного графика производства/потребления электрической энергий Системным оператором.

до 16:00 ч.

The operator of the centralized trading market sends to the bidders and the single buyer, using e-mail, notifications of the results of the centralized bidding, indicating the transactions concluded at the centralized bidding, certain transaction prices for each hour of the operating day, the volumes of electric energy sold by the bidders.

The trading results are visible to the bidders after the closing of the trading session.

After summarizing the results of centralized auctions and forming a preliminary register of transactions concluded at centralized auctions of electric energy for energy-producing organizations, the operator of the centralized trading market digitally transmits to the system operator for approval the results of centralized auctions to include the sold volumes of electric energy in the daily schedule of production /consumption of electric energy signed by an employee of the operator of the centralized trading market using EDS.