Company news archive

10 July, 2020

Birthday of KOREM JSC

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Dear friends! Our Company JSC Kazakhstan electricity and power market operator on July 10, 2020 marks exactly 20 years since the formation.

The formation of the company took place along with the development of the country and went through a difficult and “thorny” path.

It all started on April 20, 2000 – in accordance with the decree of the Government of the Republic of Kazakhstan No. 606 "On additional measures to improve the efficiency of the wholesale market of electric energy and power", CJSC KOREM was established in order to further improve the wholesale market of electric power.

January 12, 2001, according to the order of the Ministry of energy and mineral resources of the Republic of Kazakhstan No. 8, the functions of the market operator of the wholesale market of electric energy and power of the Republic of Kazakhstan were assigned to CJSC KOREM.

February 18, 2002, for the first time in the post-Soviet space, spot trading of electric energy in the "one day ahead" mode was introduced on the trading platform of CJSC KOREM.

March 4, 2004, according to the order of the Minister of energy and mineral resources of the Republic of Kazakhstan No. 54, CJSC KOREM was appointed as the operator of the centralized electricity trading market.

September 28, 2004, centralized auctions of electric energy for medium-term (week, month) and long-term (quarter, year) periods were put into effect on the trading platform of JSC KOREM.

October 24, 2006 according to the decree of the Government of the Republic of Kazakhstan No. 1020 “About transfer of the state blocks of shares of some joint-stock companies to the authorized capital of JSC "Kazakhstan holding for management of state assets «Samruk»" the shares of JSC KOREM were transferred to the authorized capital of JSC Samruk.

November 29, 2010, for the first time in the post-Soviet space, centralized auctions of electric energy with the participation of wholesale market entities in Kazakhstan and Kyrgyzstan were held on the trading platform of JSC KOREM as part of a pilot project.

August 7, 2017, according to the order of the acting Minister of energy of the Republic of Kazakhstan No. 280, JSC KOREM was designated as the Organizer of auctions for the selection of renewable energy projects.

May 28, 2018, in accordance with the schedule approved by the Ministry of energy of the Republic of Kazakhstan, the auction trading system for the selection of renewable energy projects was launched on the trading platform of JSC KOREM.

December 5, 2018, in order to implement the legislation of the Republic of Kazakhstan "On electric power" in terms of creating a market for electric power, centralized auctions of electric power were launched on the trading platform of JSC KOREM.

These stages of the Company's development and achievements were carried out thanks to the work of a close-knit team, and would not have been possible without the active participation of our Partners in the face of subjects of the electric energy market, their constant involvement in the process of improving the bidding system, improving the regulatory framework, constant contacts, mutual consultations and just friendly relations.

In this regard, I would like to congratulate our Colleagues and Partners on this anniversary and wish them fruitful work for the benefit of our Motherland – the Republic of Kazakhstan.

In these difficult days, the whole world stood up to fight the global pandemic COVID-19, and Kazakhstan was not spared. Unfortunately, our memorable date coincided with a period of great difficulties for the people of Kazakhstan. Our country is currently experiencing the complexities of the coronavirus pandemic, which spares no one and takes the lives of our relatives and friends. The staff of JSC KOREM expresses its deep condolences to all those who passed prematurely. At this difficult moment, we want to sincerely support You and Your families, and wish you vital energy, cheerfulness and optimism that will help you cope with temporary difficulties. We sincerely wish your health and well-being for many years.

20 years is a historical period of time, this is a long period of time for a human, but for history it is an instant. All difficulties can be overcome when there is unity, faith in the future and hope. Together we will overcome this difficult period of time and reach higher pea