Company news archive

11 December, 2020

Auctions for selection of RES projects completed in Kazakhstan

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In December 2020, auctions for the selection of RES projects were held successfully and efficiently.

According to the auction Schedule approved by the Ministry of energy of the Republic of Kazakhstan for 2020, auctions were held in total for 250 MW of installed capacity, broken down by types of power plants: WPP – 65 MW; SPP – 55 MW; HPP – 120 MW; BioPP - 10 MW.

At the auction in 2020, 16 RES projects with a total installed capacity of 147.95 MW were selected, including 64.95 MW of WPP, 60 MW of SPP and 23 MW of HPP, and the trading system recorded a decrease in the auction price for all types of RES:

  • WPP – from 21.53 to 15.9 tg/kWh (without VAT);
  • SPP – from 16,96 to 14,58 tg/kWh (without VAT);
  • HPP – from 15.2 to 13.48 tg/kWh (without VAT).

Legislative initiatives of the Ministry of energy of the Republic of Kazakhstan have improved the mechanisms of the current legislation of the Republic of Kazakhstan and provided favorable conditions for investors in the RES sector. In this regard, during this difficult year in many aspects, there was a high interest in these auctions from the business community, 27 companies from 4 countries took part in the auctions: Kazakhstan, Russia, the Netherlands and Germany.

Despite the COVID-19 Pandemic, which affected the whole world and our country, the successful holding of auctions in 2020 is the result of joint work of the Ministry of energy of the Republic of Kazakhstan, USAID, UNDP, industry associations, FSC for RE LLP, JSC KEGOC, JSC Kazakh Invest NC, JSC KOREM, which made an invaluable contribution to the development of the renewable energy sector in the Republic of Kazakhstan.

Representatives of the Ministry of energy of the Republic of Kazakhstan, ALE "KazEnergy", ALE "KEA", the European Bank for Reconstruction and Development, USAID, UNDP and FSC of RE LLP took part in the auction as observers. Observers noted that the auction was held in accordance with the approved regulatory legal acts and confirmed the clarity of the electronic trading system of the auction organizer – JSC "KOREM".

JSC KOREM expresses its sincere gratitude to all participants in the auction process for their high professionalism, responsibility and enthusiasm in implementing any projects.

We would like to express our special thanks to the team of JSC KOREM for their conscientious work, for their endeavors and efforts, and most importantly - for the excellent result!

Summarizing the results, we would like to wish everyone success in your future projects, creative ideas, physical strength, patience and reaching new heights.


Best regards, management board of JSC KOREM.