Company news archive

23 November, 2022

On November 23, 2022, compliance officer Baimuratuly B. held a lecture for the Company's employees on the topic «Conflict of Interests» at «KOREM» JSC.

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The main purpose of the seminar is to form a unified approach to the prevention, identification and settlement of conflicts of interest in Society.

The meeting was told in detail:

- what is a conflict of interest in the civil service;

- how to resolve a conflict of interest;

- what should an employee do in case of a conflict of interest;

- what is the difference between corruption and conflict of interest?

The Speaker also dwelt in detail on the norms of the Laws of the Republic of Kazakhstan «On Combating Corruption» and «On the Civil Service of the Republic of Kazakhstan», regarding the conflict of interests in the contradiction between the personal interests of persons holding a responsible public position, persons authorized to perform public functions, persons equated to them, officials and their official powers, in which personal interests the interests of these persons may lead to non-performance and (or) improper performance of their official duties.

During the meeting, the audience was introduced to the peculiarities of regulatory legal regulation in matters of conflict of interest, as well as analyzed typical situations related to conflict of interest and the procedure for their settlement.