Company news archive

20 July, 2022


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Legal and regulatory framework for investments in renewable energy.

On 29-30, within the framework of the USAID "Energy of Central Asia" program, a seminar was held to discuss legal, regulatory and policy instruments for the development of renewable energy.

The Republic of Kazakhstan was represented by the Ministry of Energy of the Republic of Kazakhstan, JSC "Kazakhstan Electric Energy and Capacity Market Operator" (KOREM), LLP "Settlement and Financial Center for Support of Renewable Energy Sources" (RFC for Support of RES), JSC "Kazakhstan Electric Grid Management Company" (KEGOG).bb

The representative of JSC "KOREM" Aitmagambetov N., presented and shared the experience of organizing and conducting auctions for renewable energy sources in Kazakhstan. I paid special attention to the conditions, schedules, and types of auctions.

In general, this seminar served as a platform for considering and discussing the most important aspects that should be taken into account with state support for the development of renewable energy, as well as ensuring capacity-building regarding international best practices in renewable energy related to renewable energy procurement mechanisms, key elements of electricity purchase and sale agreements and issues of integration of renewable energy into the network.