Company news archive

29 July, 2022

About some aspects of corporate culture in JSC «KOREM»

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The Company pays special attention to the development of a unified corporate culture, which is aimed at developing a sense of cohesion among the Company's employees, forming a team of like-minded people committed to corporate values who are able to find effective solutions in the most difficult situations.

The Company has adopted and operates the Personnel Policy of JSC «KOREM» (approved by the decision of the Board of Directors dated 7.12.2021 No. 05/21). The purpose of the Personnel policy is to build an effective model of management and development of human resources and the formation of a professional team with modern approaches to the implementation of strategic directions of the Company's development. One of the tasks of the Company in the field of personnel policy is to maintain a high level of human capital as the most important resource of Society, the quality of which is of paramount importance.

For this purpose, the Company has created a transparent system of employee incentives based on a fair assessment of the employee's contribution to the Company's performance. The evaluation system is provided for in the newly adopted Rules of Remuneration and social support of employees (approved by the decision of the Board of JSC "KOREM" dated June 23, 2022 No. 02-02/09).

In order to form an effective corporate culture that unites the Company's employees into a professional team with a common understanding of the Company's strategic goals and objectives, the Bitrix24 information system has been introduced. This is a modern system, thanks to which business processes in Society are automated, the project management process is established and, most importantly, communication within the company is simplified.

The Company strives to create a decent wage condition focused on improving the efficiency of its activities, attracting and retaining qualified personnel. Social guarantees are provided in accordance with labor legislation (for example, a recovery allowance for annual paid labor leave is provided in the amount of 2 (two) official salaries, financial assistance in connection with the birth of a child / adoption or adoption of children, in connection with the death of an employee, spouse/children, parents of an employee, in connection with marriage, in connection with the treatment/operation of the employee or persons who are members of his family

In order to provide social support to the Company's employees, in July 2022, an agreement was signed with JSC «SC «EURASIA» on voluntary medical insurance of employees (insurance in case of illness) for medical services.

Today, JSC «KOREM» is a company that creates complex and technologically advanced products, which is primarily interested in attracting qualified employees with high emotional intelligence, since they are the face of the company and the key to its success.

The main tool for motivating employees in Society is to interest and form a healthy atmosphere in the team, which will help prevent emotional burnout.

In order to create and maintain a favorable moral and psychological climate in Society, a corporate psychologist with many years of experience - Aigul Nikolaevna Shinabekova – carries out her activities in the company. It helps Society to unite the collective, to build a healthy dialogue between colleagues, to facilitate the solution of certain emerging problems (in personal life, in unexpected misfortune, some kind of anxiety), including coping with difficulties at work. Aigul Nikolaevna not only conducts individual consultations, but also conducts 10-15 minute master classes and interesting games on a weekly basis among employees, from which employees get a good mood and a charge of cheerfulness.

In recent years, corporate culture has been recognized as the main indicator necessary not only for proper understanding, management of organizational behavior and motivation of employees, but also an indicator of the competitiveness of the organization.


I am sure that corporate culture forms the image of the company, therefore, the policy of the Administrative Department of the Company is to devote worthy attention to the work on improving the quality of human resources, to promote the development of an effective system of training and training of personnel, the development of managerial competencies, and on a systematic basis to help employees acquire professional knowledge and skills that meet the interests and needs of Society!


Director of the Administrative Department