Company news archive

08 June, 2023

A meeting of the expert committee on the Market Council was held at the site of JSC «KOREM»

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Last week, a meeting of the expert committee on the Market Council was held at the site of JSC «Kazakhstan Electric Energy and Capacity Market Operator» (hereinafter - KOREM).

The meeting was attended by representatives of: the USAID project «Energy of Central Asia», the Agency for the Protection and Development of Competition of the Republic of Kazakhstan, JSC «KEGOC», JSC «Kazakhstan Electric Power Association», external consultants and the Management of JSC «KOREM».

The purpose of the meeting is to hear a report on the results of the pilot implementation of a new model of the Market Council in the power industry of Kazakhstan.

Within the framework of the USAID project «Energy of Central Asia», the structure of the Market Council was studied, analyzed and presented at the meeting for further improvement of the Market Council.

It should be noted that the Market Council (hereinafter referred to as the MC) is a non-profit organization engaged in monitoring the functioning of the electric energy and capacity market, as well as other functions provided for in subparagraph 18-2 of Article 1 of the Law of the Republic of Kazakhstan «On Electric Power Industry».

A new model of the MC was presented at the meeting, which provides for reform, including the expansion of the functions of the MC. 3 variants of the new MC model are proposed, taking into account the advantages, disadvantages and risks:

  • Restructuring of the KEA;
  • Formation of MC on the basis of JSC «KOREM»;
  • Creation of the MC as a new organization.

Following the meeting, the participants of the meeting gave their comments on the new MC model and the analysis carried out. Summing up the meeting, the Head of the company JSC «KOREM» noted that the report needs to be finalized in terms of determining the vision of the structure of the Market Council providing equal distance from the subjects of the electricity market and Government agencies, financing options for this structure and functionality.