Company news archive

29 June, 2023

Reporting meeting of the compliance officer with employees of JSC «KOREM»

1 Photo

On June 27, 2023, compliance officer Bulat Baymuratuly held a reporting meeting via videoconference with employees of JSC «KOREM».

During the meeting, the compliance officer presented a report on the work performed for the first half of this year. I drew attention to the fact that there is a compliance check in all contracts concluded by the Company, orders and the public procurement portal. The control over the submission of the declaration by the Company's employees is carried out as part of the second stage of Universal Declaration. He noted about the monthly training seminars held within the framework of the work plan, about the annual compliance checks carried out in the Company to identify corruption and other risks, and analytical certificates with recommendations formed based on the results of inspections.

Also, it is worth noting that the compliance officer participates in the competition commission, in the working group on information security, in the working group on the development of a digital energy platform.

He noted that from July 1 of this year, it is planned to switch to a new model of the electric energy market based on the mechanism of a single buyer and a balancing electric energy market. In this regard, contracts are being monitored intensively to identify conflicts of interest and corruption risks.

Photo: open sources