Company news archive

02 December, 2022

Introduction of electronic document management in JSC «KOREM»

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It is no secret that in the era of technology and in the realities of our days (pandemic, remote operation mode), electronic document management (EDM) is gaining more and more popularity.

Today, document management plays an important role in the life of any company. JSC «KOREM» is not an exception – thanks to the gradual (since 2016) introduction of electronic document management, today our company has become an effective digital company. The electronic document management system is a management tool that includes organizational, administrative and technical measures aimed at optimizing and increasing the transparency of business processes.

The importance of the workflow automation process lies in the accelerated processing of information (information flows are no less important than material ones).

In addition, with paper document management, there is always a risk of losing documents with information or falling into the wrong hands, which entails certain losses for companies, and sometimes with very deplorable consequences. The advantages of using electronic document management exclude such a risk. Moreover, in addition to saving money, the introduction of an electronic document management system EDMS and the use of EDM significantly speeds up the document exchange procedure itself, which is especially important during reporting periods, or in the case when counterparties are geographically distant from the organization and the delivery of paper documents is lengthy and difficult (in such moments, the advantage of EDM cannot be underestimated). And this process is very important for JSC «KOREM», because timely receipt of information directly affects the business processes of our Society. Thanks to EDM during the pandemic, our company was able to continue to function and provide its services.

The introduction of EDMS significantly simplified the increase in the speed of movement of documents within the company and the exchange of documents with contractors, signing contracts, acts with energy companies, accelerated the process of making managerial decisions, personnel issues, security of access to information, minimizing the risks of errors that arise during paper document management.