Company news archive

06 September, 2024

A meeting with a delegation from the Kyrgyz Republic took place at the «KOREM» JSC site

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On September 6, 2024, JSC «Kazakhstan electricity and power market operator» together with LLP «Settlement and Financial Center for Renewable Energy Support» received a delegation from the Kyrgyz Republic.

A delegation from Kyrgyzstan consisting of representatives of the Green Economy Fund under the Cabinet of Ministers of the Kyrgyz Republic, JSC NES of Kyrgyzstan arrived in Kazakhstan on a working visit within the framework of USAID projects.

Representatives of the Kyrgyz Republic visited Kazakhstan to study and discuss Kazakhstan's experience in implementing an auction mechanism for the selection of renewable energy projects.

During the meeting, employees of «KOREM» JSC talked about the company's role on the Kazakh electric energy market, introduced to the meeting participants mechanism of conducting auctions for the selection of renewable energy projects in the Republic of Kazakhstan, shared their experience.

In turn, the representative of the LLP «Settlement and Financial Center for Renewable Energy Support» described the procedures and main features of concluding contracts for RPA projects and measures of government support for renewable energy carried out by the Settlement and Financial Center.

At the meeting, representatives of the Kyrgyz Republic asked questions of interest and, at the end, thanked them for their time.

Photo: Settlement and Financial Center