Industry news archive

25 November, 2022

The results of the auction for the selection of wind farm projects on November 24, 2022 with a total installed capacity of 50 MW

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On November 24 of this year, an auction was held on renewable energy for the northern zone of the UEN of the Republic of Kazakhstan for the selection of wind power plants with a total installed capacity of 50 MW.

9 companies were allowed to participate in the auction, 30 price proposals were submitted by the participants during the trading session, the unit capacity of the projects ranged from 15 to 50 MW. The total volume of applications submitted was 415 MW. The maximum auction price during the auction for the selection of wind farm projects in 2022 was 21.53 tg/kWh (excluding VAT). During the trading session, the price range of bids received from auction participants ranged from 21.53 to 12.98 tenge/kWh (excluding VAT)

In accordance with paragraph 8-1 of the Rules for Organizing and Conducting Auctions, including the qualification requirements for auction participants, the content and procedure for submitting an application, the types of financial support for an application to participate in the auction and the conditions for their entry and return, the procedure for conducting the results and determining the winners, approved by the Order of the Minister of Energy of the Republic of Kazakhstan dated December 21, 2017 No. 466, auctions for the selection of projects for the construction of solar and wind power plants are conducted according to the information on the possibility of connecting to the points of connection of electric networks and reserved land plots for the planned construction of facilities specified in the Schedule.

According to the auction schedule for 2022, approved by the Order of the Minister of Energy of the Republic of Kazakhstan dated July 18, 2022 No. 243, the number of new connections for these auctions amounted to 2 (two)

Thus, according to the results of the auction, the following companies were selected as winners:

«Orkan» LLP (Kazakhstan) installed capacity of the project is 15 MW, auction price is 12.98 tg/kWh (without VAT). The project is planned to be placed in the Musrepov district of the North Kazakhstan region

«Afrik» LLP (Russian Federation) the installed capacity of the project is 35 MW, the auction price is 15.96 tg/kWh (without VAT). The project is planned to be placed in the Musrepov district of the North Kazakhstan region

Representatives of the Ministry of Energy, «Kazakhstan Electric Power Association», «Kazenergy»», UNDP in Kazakhstan participated in the auction as observers. The observers noted the holding of auctions in accordance with the approved regulatory legal acts and confirmed the transparency of the electronic trading system of the auction organizer – JSC «KOREM».

The maximum reduction in the auction price was 40%, which is a good result. Auction biddingare aimed at selecting the most effective projects and forming competitive market prices for electric energy produced by renewable energy facilities

The next auction is scheduled for November 28, 2022 for the selection of wind power projects with a total installed capacity of 50 MW.