Industry news archive

07 November, 2022

The results of the auction for the selection of bioelectric power plant projects on November 7, 2022 with a total installed capacity of 10 MW

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On November 7, 2022, the third RES auction was held for all zones of the UES of the Republic of Kazakhstan for the selection of biogas power plants with a total installed capacity of 10 MW.

The maximum auction price during the auction for the selection of bioelectric power plant projects in 2022 was 32.15 tg/kWh (excluding VAT).

According to the requirements of paragraph 51 of the Rules for Organizing and Conducting auctions for the selection of renewable energy projects, the auction was declared invalid due to the fact that the number of participants registered and admitted to the relevant auction auctions in the trading system to participate in the auction is less than two.

Representatives of the Ministry of Energy, association of legal entities «Kazakhstan Electric Power Association», National Chamber of Entrepreneurs «Atameken», association of legal entities «Kazakhstan Association of Regional Environmental Initiatives «ECOJER», association of legal entities «KAZENERGY» United Nations Development Programs/Global Environment Facility   participated in the auction as observers. Observers note the full transparency of the electronic trading system of the auction organizer – JSC «KOREM».

According to the results of the auction, the winner has not been determined.

The next auction is scheduled for November 8, 2022 for the selection of solar power plant projects with a total installed capacity of 20 MW.

Auction bidding, being one of the stages of the systematic development of renewable energy sources, are aimed at selecting the most effective projects and forming competitive market prices for electric energy produced by renewable energy facilities.

According to the Rules of organization and conduct of auction biddding (Order of the Ministry of Economic Affairs of the Republic of Kazakhstan No. 466 dated 21.12.2017), the Ministry has formed an auction Schedule.

According to the Auction Schedule approved by the Ministry, this year it is planned to hold auctions in the amount of 690 MW of installed capacity, broken down by types of power plants:

- solar power plants – 60 МВт;

- wind power plants – 400 МВт;

- hydroelectric power plants – 220 МВт;

- BioPP- 10 МВт.